©Kirton News 2025

July / August 2008

The Editors Letter

Dear readers, well this is it – my swansong. I have really enjoyed doing my editor ‘thing’. I have met many interesting people and owe a big thank you to the contributors who are too many to mention individually. Contributions range across old pictures, stories, features, poems, crosswords, etc.

As I have mentioned before keep your contributions coming – it’s a Kirton magazine for the people and by the people who live here. A big thank you also to the people who distribute the magazine.

On a sad note you may remember we did a feature on the life of Peggy Robinson who reached 100 in April but she passed away on the 18th May. In cricket terms that was a good innings and our thoughts go out to her son Nicholas.

In this issue besides a poem from Enid Pearson who is a regular contributor we have a somewhat irreverent but amusing poem by Gladys Seabrook from Spalding.

This is our usual July/August edition so next contributions should be with the Co-Editor Nyree Barnes no later than the 8th August.

I wish the new Editor David Hilton and Co-editor Nyree good luck with the magazine in the future.
Meantime I hope you have great summer holidays.

Roger Booth

Kirton News Needs Distributors

Once again we are making an appeal for volunteers to help distribute the magazine. Its only a small amount of your time once a month. W hen you consider the magazine has been going for more than forty years it would be a shame if our readers don’t get a copy so get on the ‘dog and bone’ to Mary on 722633 who can fill you in with details.


Qualified to Rock ‘n’ Roll
South Lincolnshire’s own ‘School of Rock’ awards new qualification

At an informal ceremony last week, Faith Cowling, Director of Rock ‘n’ Roll Embassy, awarded Thomas Wakeham, aged 17, from Whaplode with his NOCN Level 3 certificate in ‘Rhythm ‘n’ Blues’, one of the first students to gain this new guitar qualification.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Embassy’s Guitar Academy at Wigtoft, near Boston was established in January 2004 by Faith, a graduate of The Academy of Contemporary Music, Guildford, and her brother, Kirton resident, Duncan Cowling, a graduate of the world famous Musician’s Institute, Hollywood, California.

Thomas Wakeham (centre) is congratulated by NOCN’s
Nick Austin (left) and tutor Duncan Cowling (right)

In 2007 Rock ‘n’ Roll Embassy was accredited by the national awarding body the ‘National Open College Network’ (NOCN) to design and deliver its own specialist qualifications for the electric and acoustic guitar. Faith says, ‘The National Open College Network have been extremely helpful and we are very happy to be working with them; they are very understanding of our aims as a Guitar Academy and they have given us the freedom that we need in developing our own program. The accreditation is great for our students because it will give them the opportunity to gain proper recognition for their achievements here at Rock ‘n’ Roll Embassy.’

Tom, a Spalding Grammar sixth-former, said, ‘Although I enjoy music I opted for other A-Levels, so I am very pleased to have gained a Level 3 qualification on the guitar. It means I can keep music as an option for the future.’

Congratulating Tom on his achievement was Nick Austin of the Open College Network East Midlands Region. ‘This is a unique award for NOCN to accredit and we are delighted to have been able to support Faith and Duncan in developing this qualification for the benefit of musicians like Tom.’

Duncan, who taught Tom, explains, ‘Our qualifications are much more relevant to the personal aspirations of our students than the existing grade exams in that they allow students to focus on a specific style and study that style to a much greater depth.’

Qualifications currently on offer at Rock ‘n’ Roll Embassy are ‘Rhythm ‘n’ Blues for the Electric Guitar’ and ‘Classic Rock for the Electric Guitar’. Further styles units including ‘Heavy Metal’ and ‘Acoustic Rock & Pop’ will be on offer from September 2008.

For more information you can visit Rock ‘n’ Roll Embassy’s web site: www.RocknRollEmbassy.com or call Faith on 07762 507 146.


Memories of a Marine Engineer - Part 8

I now proceeded to what was known as Phase 3 of my apprenticeship consisting of six months in engineering college studying naval architecture (ship design), electrotechnology (large motors, alternators, switchgear, transformers) and power plant technology (engine design and practice) followed by six months in a heavy engineering workshop.

During Phase 1 (full time engineering college study) I was sent to Gateshead with another apprentice from Somerset during the summer holidays for six weeks in a workshop which specialised mostly in manufacture of deck winches and ships’ cargo cranes. Unfortunately John spoke with a broad ‘Zumerzet’ accent and you don’t get a much broader Geordie dialect than Gateshead so I spent much of my time translating.

John and I worked in the winch erection shop – literally where the component parts were assembled then tested before delivery to shipyards. It wasn’t rocket science and I was assisting (if that is the right word!) an experienced fitter. I recollect having problems fitting brass bearing halves to a shaft – there didn’t appear to be enough clearance. I spoke to the fitter who explained that the shafts were always too large – amazingly his solution was to reduce the shaft diameter by filing it down. I asked him why he didn’t send the shafts back to the machine shop. He replied that he couldn’t do that because his mate worked there and he might get in trouble.

On one occasion I was sent to the casting foundry with a message. The foundry was black and you could hardly see in front of your face due to the black sand in the air. The sand was used for moulds for cast iron and bearing brass which was really old technology. I never did find the gent I was supposed to give the message to.

It was a very strange company. On one side of the main road they made winches which I don’t suppose had changed much in a century and on the other a high tech shop with automated welding machines for production of nuclear power heat exchangers where I spent my last fortnight. They must be doing something right because they are still in the heavy manufacturing industry making lifting equipment for all kinds of users. Back to North East again for my Phase 3 stint. I spent six months studying at South Shields which was fairly uneventful apart from meeting my future wife.

Then I was sent to Wallsend Slipway which was an engineering arm of Swan Hunters a major British shipbuilder at the time located on the north side of the River Tyne. I was very fortunate to be sent there because the ‘Slipway’ took a genuine interest in apprentices and they covered a wide range of manufacturing functions. At the time they were making ‘Sulzer’ (one of the world leaders in marine engine design) diesel engines, building steam turbines for naval frigates, making boiler combustion equipment, manufacturing boilers and repairing small vessels in a drydock. Initially I spent a few weeks in their apprentice school. Their own apprentices made a working model of every marine engine the factory produced. I often wonder what became of the models – they must be worth a considerable sum of money partly because the workmanship was phenomenal.

The ‘Slipway’ was given a contract to renew ‘Scotch’ boilers for some east European vessels the reason being was that this boiler type was riveted and there very few tradesmen surviving who could do hot riveting. As it was the ‘Slipway’ had to bring some men back from retirement for this. It was an unbelievable scene. Rivets were heated up to pale yellow heat in small furnaces to be picked up by the riveters mate with very large tongs ( the rivets would weigh about five pounds each) and throw them to the riveters who would use very large hammers to drive them and the boiler plates together. The noise was horrendous. I suppose this was probably one of the last occasions large hot riveting took place. Originally all ships’ plates were fastened using this method but welding has taken over completely.

I had another ‘historical’ experience whilst working in the drydock. The foreman Harry sent me to do work on the boat engine. The slipway had a small launch used to transport small parts up the river to the shipbuilding yard. I was not allowed to take a hammer which was very strange but the engine made of cast iron was built in 1916 and the iron had gone ‘spongy’. It was a petrol/paraffin engine consisting of two sets of four cylinders side by side – four were a conventional petrol engine, the remainder paraffin. The idea was that you started it using petrol and changed over to paraffin when it became hot enough. This launch had taken part in the evacuation of Dunkirk and the ‘Slipway’ were very proud of it.
At this time I had a small accident on a motor scooter hitting the kerb in a thick fog resulting in a broken wrist and arm in plaster. I phoned my employers who were not best pleased but told me to report to the ‘Slipway’ as an observer! Harry received a letter from my company in London. He showed common sense and told me to come back when the plaster was removed. Sometimes ‘human resource’ departments behave like total wallies!
Whilst working at the ‘Slipway’ along with other shipping apprentices we rented the ground floor of a house in Jarrow. It belonged to an ex army officer known locally as the ‘Captain’. He didn’t charge much and did it because he liked young people around him: he was a real character. To get to the slipway one walked through the pedestrian tunnel under the Tyne which remains in use and past a lead factory. I recollect the lead factory well because everything around was plastered with white lead oxide and it certainly caught your breath just walking by. How the workers survived there I will never know.

I needed a further three weeks to do the required sea time to complete my apprenticeship and since my employers had no vessels around at the time they sent me to a ship belonging to the parent company trading around the UK and West Europe. I recollect joining the ship in the London docks one evening and was told I would be on daywork so I promptly visited the engine room at 7 o’clock the next morning. Apart from Indian crew members there wasn’t a sign of any engineers. The greaser told me they would appear after nine after breakfast. I soon found out that after eleven the engineers disappeared to shower/change and have a drink before lunch. If they worked in the afternoon it was unusual.

Roger Booth.


Around the homes - News from the Chestnuts

We have been troubled by moles for the past three years and not wishing to harm the creatures, tried all the old country tricks. We tried flattening each mound with the back of a spade, putting a child’s windmill in each hole, even dropping a moth ball down each hole. When the moles started to throw the moth balls back out, we conceded defeat and strangely enough they moved on to pastures new.

However the moles returned again this year but in the small hours of the morning a large ginger cat was seen perched on top of a birdbath with its gaze fixed on a nearby mole hill.
Ginger appears to have done more good than all the mothballs but watch this space!

It cannot have escaped the notice of anyone passing ‘The Chestnuts’ that we are in the throes of modernisation. This is going to take several months but no tenant will have to vacate their flat during this period of alterations.

We are assured that the end results will more than justify the period of noise, dust, and disruption! Some of the work to be carried out will include a new car park and front entrance doors, upgrading heating and lighting systems, a complete new lift with its own new shaft and a garden fence.

We have only had one birthday in May; that of Marjorie Mobray, who would rather not divulge her age. We wish her all the very best. The next day she managed to win our weekly Bonus Ball competition.

Possibly due to the spell of hot weather in early May, the horse chestnut trees have made a splendid show while in flower. Really a sight worth seeing out of our windows and free of charge!

We are hoping to arrange coach outings during the next few months and our first one in May was to Woodthorpe Garden Centre. In spite of a wet morning the trip was enjoyed by all and we had a lovely lunch as well.

On May 27th Boston Mayflower laid on a Wartime Road Show at ‘The Chestnuts’, with various memorabilia on show. It was certainly very interesting and brought back loads of memories, even if it did remind the writer of his school days!

We were all delighted to see the return of Anne our part time cleaner after many weeks of sick leave. We do so hope she will be able to stay with us, especially through the dusty months ahead.

Tony Mathieson

Editor’s note: in the ‘Kirton Moles’ Football League the scores were Moles 5 Mothballs 0, Moles 0 Ginger 1 and Moles 4 Chestnuts 0! We look forward to the next fixture but if I were a betting man my money would be on Moles.


Kirton Kids Club

Once again we have had weather to shout about and the children of the club have made good use of it! Outdoor play is something they all like to get involved in. It could be football, scooters, bikes, skate boarding, sports or role play; it’s always good to see the children having fun and interacting with each other in the fresh air.

It is at this time of year I like to thank the many people and companies who help the club so much during the year. As a charity we have to rely a lot on donations and help to keep the club up and running.

My thanks goes to Boston Council who offered all kids’ clubs a seven hundred and fifty pound grant for equipment – as you can imagine the children have had a wonderful time playing or using the new items we were able to buy for them. Many thanks also goes to KMB, Exotics and the Consolidated Charities of Kirton who have all given donations again this year, enabling us to offer the best possible facilities and equipment to the children.

I would also like to thank Beeson Butchers who continue to give the club produce to help with our Breakfast Club, to the Kirton Fruit and Flower shop for donating fruit when needed and to Steve Medlock who helps out as a volunteer when he can. Thanks also goes to our committee, past and present who give their time freely and help so much with the admin side of the club.
These companies and people help to make Kirton Kids’ Club the continued success is it today.

On this note also I’d like to say that the club celebrates its tenth birthday in Jan. 2009! How time flies when you are having fun. Staff, committee and I are very proud of the club and hope parents continue to use and enjoy the facilities offered to them on a daily basis. We offer parents the chance to use breakfast and after school clubs as well as the holiday sessions they need during the school year.

If you wish to book children in for any of the first three weeks of the school summer holidays the club will run from 8.30am to 3.30pm each day. All trips, coaches, arts and workshops are included in the cost of £60.00 a week or £12.00 a day - incredibly good value compared with other childcare facilities.

For more information please phone 722426 during breakfast club or after school sessions.

Carolyn Sharpe - Manager


The Mothers Union

Wednesday the 9th July is our Summer Outing to the Gordon Boswell Romany Museum near Spalding. Anyone who would like to join please contact either myself or Mary Chambers.

Saturday the 5th July is the Triennial Festival Service, 3.00 pm at Lincoln Cathedral. On Friday the 18th July we hope to run a Teddy Bear’s Picnic for the ‘Tiny Totz’ group from 10.30 am to 12 noon weather permitting.

August is our holiday month but on the 9th we celebrate our founder on Mary Sumner Day.
I hope that you all may enjoy your summer break and be thankful that there are so many lovely places to visit.

Helen Airey


The Rev Melvin Banks

Rev. Melvin Banks, Britain’s best known Christian healer and evangelist, comes to Kirton Town Hall on 17th September. Rev. Banks’ worldwide ministry was established in Lincolnshire well over 40 years ago when he lived in Spilsby. The church which he pastored in Lincolnshire for 12 years become known as ‘the church where no-one ever died’ - during that time Banks never conducted a funeral service - everyone got healed! The local undertaker commented ‘I would be bankrupt if I relied on your church!’

Sick and in pain? Stressed, full of fear, depressed? God can help! Come and meet Rev. Banks in person; he will lay hands on all the sick and pray for their healing. Bring sick friends. 100s have testified to being cured of all types of diseases.

Rev. Melvin Banks at Kirton Town Hall, Wednesday 17th September 2008, Main Hall, 7:30pm. Everyone welcome. Admission is free. Ring for free reserved seats 01205 460 789 or email contact@wordoflifefellowship.co.uk


Kirton Bee News

Our hive numbers have grown and we have progressed from one to five hives. Not all of them are producing as yet; two are still very small and establishing themselves. One may need to have a new queen brought in as she is not a very strong layer of queen cells.
Although a very natural process, honey production, is very complicated if you want to keep your hives free from diseases and in a healthy production mode. Diseases are wiping out colonies in America which are also starting here and in Europe.

The effect in the US has been devastating, with crops failing to thrive. In fact the UK government has set up a special investigation team to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen here.

May is the main swarming month as the number of bees grows and hives become overcrowded, the queen along with many thousands of bees leave and literally fly around until they settle on a new place to live. The problem is seeing where they go so you can capture them again. A few weeks ago, on a quiet Sunday morning while tidying the children’s bedrooms and opening their windows my wife heard a very loud droning sound from the garden. Looking out she saw the most amazing site as thousands of bees flew around, almost like a tornado but wider. She shouted for me and we both watched as they found a new home, luckily in our pear tree. Even passers-by commented on the sight!

Once they had settled in the tree, I stood a box underneath them and wacked the branch with a wooden stick and plop they fell into the box with a big plop. As long as the queen is safe in the box the drones will follow and so they did. Leave them to settle again and then show them their new hive/home and all is well. The second time a hive swarmed we weren’t so lucky and lost them.

I have learned such a lot in the last year about beekeeping; becoming a member of the British Beekeeping Society has helped as they provide lots of information and support.
We hope to have a good honey production year and with luck it will cover the cost of new hives, frames, wax and other supplies we need to keep them healthy and in good condition. When will our honey be ready: hopefully we should have some at the beginning of July. Look out for the sign on the gate or to reserve your honey give us a call on 722976.

Remember local honey is good for helping with hay fever, never goes off and keeps for years. The latest research also shows that honey helps slow down the aging process as it is a good antioxidant. (That’s in the latest Bee News Magazine so I am not making it up)
Well, cheers for now and happy honey eating!

Paul Lanfranco, Beekeeper - 42, London Road, Kirton


Parish Council News - Boston Borough Council Green Waste Collection

The fortnightly green waste collection dates are, , July 12/26, August 9/30, September 13/27 and October 11/25. Any queries phone 01205 311112.

09:45 Willington Road, Kirton End
10:30 Town Hall car park
11:15 King Street/London Road junction
12:00 Middlecott School
12:30 Marketstead Estate entrance
12:30 Lighton Avenue, open space – the triangle
13:00 Lenton Way
13:00 Dennis Estate, cul-de-sac at No 30
13:30 Hardwick Estate, opposite flats

For further information visit www.thelocalchannel.co.uk/kirton


Frampton Playgroup

This month at playgroup we have often been outdoors and nature focused, taking advantage of the spring weather. We set off on a nature walk adventure, looking at the flowers and plants that are round and about playgroup but the best part was searching for creepy crawlies and although not everyone enjoyed that we certainly did see some strange mini beasts.

Beach role play was certainly one of the highlights of the month. We’ve had a great time building sand castles and splashing in water but I think everybody would agree that the ice lollies were the best by far! It got us in the mood for our summer outing to the seaside which we can’t wait for now.

Continuing our outdoors theme we had such fun at our teddy bear’s picnic. Everybody bought along their favourite teddy and we enjoyed some delicious food in the sunshine.
We are currently looking for a treasurer to join our friendly committee. Help and support will be given with the voluntary position so if you think you can help us, please call the number below, your help would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like any information about availability of sessions in September please call Sue our playgroup manager on 07939 266154.


The Churchyard Cat by Enid Pearson

She’s sitting on the churchyard path
Beneath the autumn trees,
Her tabby fur is ruffled
By a gentle autumn breeze.

All around her, leaves are falling
From treetops turning gold,
As evening sunsets hasten
And morning air comes cold.

She can watch the trembling treetops
And skies that roll and shift;
Earth’s fragrance is of autumn,
From fallen leaves that drift.

It’s a peaceful place to sit awhile
Away from all the rush;
Gentle sunlight through the trees,
Heaven’s little hush.

Editor’s Note: I know its not Autumn but I like the poem!


Predicament by Gladys Seabrook

George stood there at the party,
A frown upon his face.
Among the Christmas revellers,
He seemed quite out of place.
Some thought he must be feeling ill,
His features looked so grim.
While others curiously asked,
‘I say, what’s wrong with him?’

He did not eat, he did not drink,
He did not speak a word.
When everyone began to sing,
His voice could not be heard.
The hostess armed with sandwiches,
Asked him to take a bite.
But silently he shook his head,
Lips together tight.

Hot sausage rolls and fresh cream cakes,
Were there for all to gorge.
With spirit, wine and beer to sup,
But not for poor old George.
With hand outstretched across his face,
He headed for the door,
Til’ someone grabbed him by the arm,
And begged him stay for more.

Then suddenly the door swung wide,
In dashed a little lad.
Who cried as he rushed around the room,
‘I’ve something for me Dad.’
George turned to him with open mouth,
Upon his face relief.
And sighed before he popped them in,
‘Thank Gawd, you’ve brought me teeth.’

Editor’s note: this poem was given to the magazine by M.Dowse who is a friend of Gladys from Spalding who is eighty years old.


Local Policing

During May there have been 12 reports of antisocial behaviour. They are as follows: 1 report of drunken behaviour, 3 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 1 report of throwing things and 7 reports of vehicle nuisance.

Officers in Boston are addressing the issue of vehicle nuisance. There is currently a Problem Solving Package in place and members of the Neighbourhood Policing Team are aware of the reports received.

Are you suffering from anti social behaviour? Please call the local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 01205 722002. If they are not available please call 01205 366222 or 999 in an emergency.
On Tuesday 27th May 2 youths set off the fire extinguisher in the church. The Neighbourhood Policing Team identified youths on CCTV. The youths and parents were spoken to. The youths then litter picked around the church grounds as restorative justice.

The Kirton & Frampton Neighbourhood Panel met again on Wed 20th May. The following issues were raised - Speeding Vehicles on London Road/Boston Road & Willington Road and parking on Kime Mews and between Music Mews & Costcutters heading towards Boston.

There are a number of vehicle users are parking on Station Road outside the Natwest Bank, Florists & Kebab Shop which has parking restrictions. This issue is going to be addressed and be dealt with by way of a Fixed Penalty Notice. There is adequate parking adjacent to the Town Hall and at the War memorial.

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road on 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden
Boston Neighbourhood Policing Team - South Rural


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

8th June - Joshua Liam Harvey
8th June - Rhian Georgia Ingamells

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

16th May - John Brian Ancliff
22nd May - Mary Janet Grierson
28th May - Thomas Tanner
29th May - Winifred Mary (Peggy) Robinson
30th May - Margaret Grace Mary Ainsworth



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations
which are much appreciated.


Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.


Scouts & Cadets News

2008 is proving to be as exciting a year as the centenary last year. You may have heard about the growth of the movement in Lincolnshire on TV and the radio. In Kirton we are almost full to bursting with 20 Beavers, 31 Cub Scouts and 25 Scouts on our books as well as several adult leaders and young leaders helping out. And we still have a waiting list!
So far this year we have been cooking, putting up tents, camping, making gifts, cycling, DIY, visited the fire station, an Easter egg hunt in Westgate Woods and ‘scalextric’ racing to name but a few activities. There is more planned this year too with a cub camp in Norfolk next Bank holiday weekend, the big international County camp, Poacher in July, a day on the water in June, a weekend activity camp in August as well as an autumn weekend camp for Scouts and a winter camp for cubs.

All these activities are subsidised and I would like to thank everyone who donates, buys from and works in our Scout shop because this is where your money goes: on the children, giving many of them opportunities they may not otherwise have. Scouting is all about having fun and adventure in a safe environment.

As leaders we give our time freely and voluntarily; we do not get paid for what we do. We have to undergo a long series of training sessions to enable us to offer the best we can. We spend many hours planning not only activities but menus, behaviour strategies and equipment. The list goes on, so I would like to thank the leaders who help in our group: Akela, Wolf, Kaa, Jaguar, Owl, Squirrel, Bhageera and Baloo.

We also continue to support the 8th Kombo Scout group in the Gambia and with our help they have managed to build their own Scout HQ, with guest rooms, showers and flushing toilets. A real luxury in West Africa! We have paid for several Scouts to attend school, for uniforms and all kinds of small equipment to enable them to offer scouting activities and food to many of the starving and abandoned children in Bakary Sambouyi Village.

The future of Kirton Scouts seems assured as we go from strength to strength. As our own Centenary approaches, Kirton Scouts although founded in 1909 was not registered until 1910 and in 2010 we hope to have a huge Jamboree Weekend here in the village.
If you would like more information please call on 01205 722976.

Lesley Lanfranco - Group Scout Leader (also known as Snake)